"""Binary Heap. A min heap is a complete binary tree where each node is smaller thanits children. The root, therefore, is the minimum element in the tree. The minheap uses an array to represent the data and operation. For example a min heap: 4 / \ 50 7 / \ /55 90 87Heap [0, 4, 50, 7, 55, 90, 87]Method in class: insert, remove_minFor example insert(2) in a min heap: 4 4 2 / \ / \ / \ 50 7 --> 50 2 --> 50 4 / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \55 90 87 2 55 90 87 7 55 90 87 7For example remove_min() in a min heap: 4 87 7 / \ / \ / \ 50 7 --> 50 7 --> 50 87 / \ / / \ / \55 90 87 55 90 55 90"""from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethodclassAbstractHeap(metaclass=ABCMeta):"""Abstract Class for Binary Heap."""def__init__(self):pass@abstractmethoddefperc_up(self,i):pass@abstractmethoddefinsert(self,val):pass@abstractmethoddefperc_down(self,i):pass@abstractmethoddefmin_child(self,i):pass@abstractmethoddefremove_min(self):passclassBinaryHeap(AbstractHeap):def__init__(self): self.currentSize =0 self.heap = [(0)]defperc_up(self,i):while i //2>0:if self.heap[i]< self.heap[i //2]:# Swap value of child with value of its parent self.heap[i], self.heap[i //2]= self.heap[i //2], self.heap[i] i = i //2""" Method insert always start by inserting the element at the bottom. It inserts rightmost spot so as to maintain the complete tree property. Then, it fixes the tree by swapping the new element with its parent, until it finds an appropriate spot for the element. It essentially perc_up the minimum element Complexity: O(logN) """definsert(self,val): self.heap.append(val) self.currentSize = self.currentSize +1 self.perc_up(self.currentSize)""" Method min_child returns the index of smaller of 2 children of parent at index i """defmin_child(self,i):if2* i +1> self.currentSize:# No right childreturn2* ielse:# left child > right childif self.heap[2* i]> self.heap[2* i +1]:return2* i +1else:return2* idefperc_down(self,i):while2* i < self.currentSize: min_child = self.min_child(i)if self.heap[min_child]< self.heap[i]:# Swap min child with parent self.heap[min_child], self.heap[i]= self.heap[i], self.heap[min_child] i = min_child""" Remove Min method removes the minimum element and swap it with the last element in the heap( the bottommost, rightmost element). Then, it perc_down this element, swapping it with one of its children until the min heap property is restored Complexity: O(logN) """defremove_min(self): ret = self.heap[1]# the smallest value at beginning self.heap[1]= self.heap[self.currentSize]# Replace it by the last value self.currentSize = self.currentSize -1 self.heap.pop() self.perc_down(1)return retfrom.binary_heap import*from.skyline import*from.sliding_window_max import*from.merge_sorted_k_lists import*from.k_closest_points import*"""Given a list of points, find the k closest to the origin.Idea: Maintain a max heap of k elements.We can iterate through all points.If a point p has a smaller distance to the origin than the top element of a heap, we add point p to the heap and remove the top element.After iterating through all points, our heap contains the k closest points to the origin."""from heapq import heapify, heappushpopdefk_closest(points,k,origin=(0,0)):# Time: O(k+(n-k)logk)# Space: O(k)"""Initialize max heap with first k points. Python does not support a max heap; thus we can use the default min heap where the keys (distance) are negated. """ heap = [(-distance(p, origin), p) for p in points[:k]]heapify(heap)""" For every point p in points[k:], check if p is smaller than the root of the max heap; if it is, add p to heap and remove root. Reheapify. """for p in points[k:]: d =distance(p, origin)heappushpop(heap, (-d, p))# heappushpop does conditional check"""Same as: if d < -heap[0][0]: heappush(heap, (-d,p)) heappop(heap) Note: heappushpop is more efficient than separate push and pop calls. Each heappushpop call takes O(logk) time. """return [p for nd, p in heap] # return points in heapdefdistance(point,origin=(0,0)):return (point[0]- origin[0]) **2+ (point[1]- origin[1]) **2"""Merge k sorted linked lists and return it as one sorted list. Analyze and describe its complexity."""from heapq import heappop, heapreplace, heapifyfrom queue import PriorityQueue# Definition for singly-linked list.classListNode(object):def__init__(self,x): self.val = x self.next =Nonedefmerge_k_lists(lists): dummy = node =ListNode(0) h = [(n.val, n) for n in lists if n]heapify(h)while h: v, n = h[0]if n.next isNone:heappop(h)# only change heap size when necessaryelse:heapreplace(h, (n.next.val, n.next)) node.next = n node = node.nextreturn dummy.nextdefmerge_k_lists(lists): dummy =ListNode(None) curr = dummy q =PriorityQueue()for node in lists:if node: q.put((node.val, node))whilenot q.empty(): curr.next = q.get()[1] # These two lines seem to curr = curr.next # be equivalent to :- curr = q.get()[1]if curr.next: q.put((curr.next.val, curr.next))return dummy.next"""I think my code's complexity is also O(nlogk) and not using heap or priority queue,n means the total elements and k means the size of list.The mergeTwoLists function in my code comes from the problem Merge Two Sorted Listswhose complexity obviously is O(n), n is the sum of length of l1 and l2.To put it simpler, assume the k is 2^x, So the progress of combination is like a full binary tree,from bottom to top. So on every level of tree, the combination complexity is n,because every level have all n numbers without repetition.The level of tree is x, ie log k. So the complexity is O(n log k).for example, 8 ListNode, and the length of every ListNode is x1, x2,x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, total is n.on level 3: x1+x2, x3+x4, x5+x6, x7+x8 sum: non level 2: x1+x2+x3+x4, x5+x6+x7+x8 sum: non level 1: x1+x2+x3+x4+x5+x6+x7+x8 sum: n"""# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-"""A city's skyline is the outer contour of the silhouette formed by all the buildingsin that city when viewed from a distance.Now suppose you are given the locations and height of all the buildingsas shown on a cityscape photo (Figure A),write a program to output the skyline formed by these buildings collectively (Figure B).The geometric information of each building is represented by a triplet of integers [Li, Ri, Hi],where Li and Ri are the x coordinates of the left and right edge of the ith building, respectively,and Hi is its height. It is guaranteed that 0 ≤ Li, Ri ≤ INT_MAX, 0 < Hi ≤ INT_MAX, and Ri - Li > 0.You may assume all buildings are perfect rectangles grounded on an absolutely flat surface at height 0.For instance, the dimensions of all buildings in Figure A are recorded as:[ [2 9 10], [3 7 15], [5 12 12], [15 20 10], [19 24 8] ] .The output is a list of "key points" (red dots in Figure B) in the format of[ [x1,y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3], ... ]that uniquely defines a skyline.A key point is the left endpoint of a horizontal line segment. Note that the last key point,where the rightmost building ends,is merely used to mark the termination of the skyline, and always has zero height.Also, the ground in between any two adjacent buildings should be considered part of the skyline contour.For instance, the skyline in Figure B should be represented as:[ [2 10], [3 15], [7 12], [12 0], [15 10], [20 8], [24, 0] ].Notes:The number of buildings in any input list is guaranteed to be in the range [0, 10000].The input list is already sorted in ascending order by the left x position Li.The output list must be sorted by the x position.There must be no consecutive horizontal lines of equal height in the output skyline. For instance,[...[2 3], [4 5], [7 5], [11 5], [12 7]...] is not acceptable; the three lines of height 5 should be mergedinto one in the final output as such: [...[2 3], [4 5], [12 7], ...]"""import heapqdefget_skyline(lrh):""" Wortst Time Complexity: O(NlogN) :type buildings: List[List[int]] :rtype: List[List[int]] """ skyline, live = [], [] i, n =0,len(lrh)while i < n or live:ifnot live or i < n and lrh[i][0] <=-live[0][1]: x = lrh[i][0]while i < n and lrh[i][0] == x: heapq.heappush(live, (-lrh[i][2], -lrh[i][1])) i +=1else: x =-live[0][1]while live and-live[0][1] <= x: heapq.heappop(live) height =len(live)and-live[0][0]ifnot skyline or height != skyline[-1][1]: skyline += ([x, height],)return skyline"""Given an array nums, there is a sliding window of size kwhich is moving from the very left of the array to the very right.You can only see the k numbers in the window.Each time the sliding window moves right by one position.For example,Given nums = [1,3,-1,-3,5,3,6,7], and k = 3.Window position Max--------------- -----[1 3 -1] -3 5 3 6 7 3 1 [3 -1 -3] 5 3 6 7 3 1 3 [-1 -3 5] 3 6 7 5 1 3 -1 [-3 5 3] 6 7 5 1 3 -1 -3 [5 3 6] 7 6 1 3 -1 -3 5 [3 6 7] 7Therefore, return the max sliding window as [3,3,5,5,6,7]."""import collectionsdefmax_sliding_window(nums,k):""" :type nums: List[int] :type k: int :rtype: List[int] """ifnot nums:return nums queue = collections.deque() res = []for num in nums:iflen(queue)< k: queue.append(num)else: res.append(max(queue)) queue.popleft() queue.append(num) res.append(max(queue))return res
A binary heap is a special data structure that resembles a binary tree. It differs in the sense that the root of any subtree should be the smallest or the largest element.
There are two main types of heaps.
Minheap – In a minheap, the root of every subtree is the smallest element.
Maxheap – In a maxheap, the root of every subtree is the largest element.
In this article, let’s take a look at heaps and dive into programming heaps in Python.
For more background on the different types of data structures in Python, check out the following articles:
Note: Prerequisites – Make sure you have basic Python knowledge before diving into this article. It also might be a good idea to check out some linear data structures. (links are given above)
Heaps satisfy the heap property. This means that the root of every subtree should be the greatest or smallest element in the subtree, recursively.
Applications of Heaps
Priority Queues can be implemented using heaps. The root of a heap always contains the maximum or the minimum value, based on the heap type. Therefore, a min-priority queue is implemented using a minheap. A max-priority queue is implemented using a maxheap. The element with the highest priority can be retrieved in O(1) time.
Statistics – If we want to get ordered statistics, heaps serve as a great choice. If we want the kth smallest or largest element, we can pop the heap k times to retrieve them.
Note - Level-Order Traversal is a recursive traversal where the root is processed first, followed by the children of the root. This is followed by the grandchildren of the root until all the nodes are processed. In the diagram above, the root node is processed first, followed by the left child, right child and so on. The final level order traversal would be: 10 4 8 50 24 5 12 18. For an overview of what a level order traversal is, check out this Quora page.
In the array representation of a heap, for an element in array index i,
The Parent Node would be at position floor((i-1)/2).
The Left Child would be at position 2*i + 1.
The Right Child would be at position 2*i + 2.
Let us first define the Heap class.
classMaxHeap:def__init__(self): self.heap = []
This initiates a heap as a list. Now, let us define our methods.
classMaxHeap:def__init__(self):# Initialize a heap using list self.heap = []defgetParentPosition(self,i):# The parent is located at floor((i-1)/2)returnint((i-1)/2)defgetLeftChildPosition(self,i):# The left child is located at 2 * i + 1return2*i+1defgetRightChildPosition(self,i):# The right child is located at 2 * i + 2return2*i+2defhasParent(self,i):# This function checks if the given node has a parent or notreturn self.getParentPosition(i)<len(self.heap)defhasLeftChild(self,i):# This function checks if the given node has a left child or notreturn self.getLeftChildPosition(i)<len(self.heap)defhasRightChild(self,i):# This function checks if the given node has a right child or notreturn self.getRightChildPosition(i)<len(self.heap)definsert(self,key): self.heap.append(key)# Adds the key to the end of the list self.heapify(len(self.heap) -1)# Re-arranges the heap to maintain the heap propertydefgetMax(self):return self.heap[0]# Returns the largest value in the heap in O(1) time.defheapify(self,i):while(self.hasParent(i)and self.heap[i]> self.heap[self.getParentPosition(i)]):# Loops until it reaches a leaf node self.heap[i], self.heap[self.getParentPosition(i)]= self.heap[self.getParentPosition(i)], self.heap[i]# Swap the values i = self.getParentPosition(i)# Resets the new positiondefprintHeap(self):print(self.heap)# Prints the heap
Minheap using Heapq
We have successfully implemented a heap using a list. Now, let’s use the heapq library in Python to implement a minheap.
import heapqclassMinHeap:def__init__(self,minheap): # minheap is the list that we can to convert to a heap heapq.heapify(minheap)# Use the heapify function to convert list to a heap self.minheap = minheapdefinsert(self,key): heapq.heappush(self.minheap, key)# Insert key into the heap (heapq automatically maintains the heap property)defgetMin(self):return self.minheap[0]# Returns the smallest element of the heap in O(1) timedefremoveMin(self): heapq.heappop(self.minheap)# The heappop function removes the smallest element in the heapdefprintHeap(self):print(self.minheap)# Prints the heap