"""Climbing StaircaseThere exists a staircase with N steps, and you can climb up either X different steps at a time.Given N, write a function that returns the number of unique ways you can climb the staircase.The order of the steps matters.Input: steps = [1, 2], height = 4Output: 5Output explanation:1, 1, 1, 12, 1, 11, 2, 11, 1, 22, 2=========================================Dynamic Programing solution. Time Complexity: O(N*S) Space Complexity: O(N)"""############# Solution #############defclimbing_staircase(steps,height): dp = [0for i inrange(height)]# add all steps into dpfor s in steps:if s <= height: dp[s -1]=1# for each position look how you can arrive therefor i inrange(height):for s in steps:if i - s >=0: dp[i]+= dp[i - s]return dp[height -1]############ Testing ############# Test 1# Correct result => 5print(climbing_staircase([1, 2], 4))# Test 2# Correct result => 3print(climbing_staircase([1, 3, 5], 4))"""Coin ChangeYou are given coins of different denominations and a total amount of money amount.Write a function to compute the fewest number of coins that you need to make up that amount.If that amount of money cannot be made up by any combination of the coins, return -1.Input: coins = [1, 2, 5], amount = 11Output: 3Input: coins = [2], amount = 3Output: -1=========================================Dynamic programming solution 1 Time Complexity: O(A*C) , A = amount, C = coins Space Complexity: O(A)Dynamic programming solution 2 (don't need the whole array, just use modulo to iterate through the partial array) Time Complexity: O(A*C) , A = amount, C = coins Space Complexity: O(maxCoin)"""############### Solution 1 ###############defcoin_change_1(coins,amount):if amount ==0:return0iflen(coins)==0:return-1 max_value = amount +1# use this instead of math.inf dp = [max_value for i inrange(max_value)] dp[0]=0for i inrange(1, max_value):for c in coins:if c <= i:# search on previous positions for min coins needed dp[i]=min(dp[i], dp[i - c] +1)if dp[amount]== max_value:return-1return dp[amount]############### Solution 2 ###############defcoin_change_2(coins,amount):if amount ==0:return0iflen(coins)==0:return-1 max_value = amount +1 max_coin =min(max_value, max(coins) +1) dp = [max_value for i inrange(max_coin)] dp[0]=0for i inrange(1, max_value): i_mod = i % max_coin dp[i_mod]= max_value # reset current positionfor c in coins:if c <= i:# search on previous positions for min coins needed dp[i_mod]=min(dp[i_mod], dp[(i - c) % max_coin] +1)if dp[amount % max_coin]== max_value:return-1return dp[amount % max_coin]############ Testing ############# Test 1# Correct result => 3coins = [1,2,5]amount =11print(coin_change_1(coins, amount))print(coin_change_2(coins, amount))# Test 2# Correct result => -1coins = [2]amount =3print(coin_change_1(coins, amount))print(coin_change_2(coins, amount))"""Count IP AddressesAn IP Address (IPv4) consists of 4 numbers which are all between 0 and 255.In this problem however, we are dealing with 'Extended IP Addresses' which consist of K such numbers.Given a string S containing only digits and a number K,your task is to count how many valid 'Extended IP Addresses' can be formed.An Extended IP Address is valid if:* it consists of exactly K numbers* each numbers is between 0 and 255, inclusive* a number cannot have leading zeroesInput: '1234567', 3Output: 1Output explanation: Valid IP addresses: '123.45.67'.Input: '100111', 3Output: 1Output explanation: Valid IP addresses: '100.1.11', '100.11.1', '10.0.111'.Input: '345678', 2Output: 0Output explanation: It is not possible to form a valid IP Address with two numbers.=========================================1D Dynamic programming solution. Time Complexity: O(N*K) Space Complexity: O(N)"""############# Solution #############defcount_ip_addresses(S,K): n =len(S)if n ==0:return0if n < K:return0 dp = [0] * (n +1) dp[0]=1for i inrange(K):# if you want to save just little calculations you can use min(3*(i+1), n) instead of nfor j inrange(n, i, -1):# reset the value dp[j]=0# use iteration to check all 3 possible numbers (x, xx, xxx), instead of writing 3 IFsfor e inrange(max(i, j -3), j):ifis_valid(S[e:j]): dp[j]+= dp[e]return dp[n]defis_valid(S):if (len(S)>1) and (S[0]=="0"):returnFalsereturnint(S)<=255############ Testing ############# Test 1# Correct result => 1print(count_ip_addresses("1234567", 3))# Test 2# Correct result => 3print(count_ip_addresses("100111", 3))# Test 3# Correct result => 0print(count_ip_addresses("345678", 2))"""Create Palindrome (Minimum Insertions to Form a Palindrome)Given a string, find the palindrome that can be made by inserting the fewest number of characters as possible anywhere in the word.If there is more than one palindrome of minimum length that can be made, return the lexicographically earliest one (the first one alphabetically).Input: 'race'Output: 'ecarace'Output explanation: Since we can add three letters to it (which is the smallest amount to make a palindrome). There are seven other palindromes that can be made from "race" by adding three letters, but "ecarace" comes first alphabetically.Input: 'google'Output: 'elgoogle'Input: 'abcda'Output: 'adcbcda'Output explanation: Number of insertions required is 2 - aDCbcda (between the first and second character).Input: 'adefgfdcba'Output: 'abcdefgfedcba'Output explanation: Number of insertions required is 3 i.e. aBCdefgfEdcba.=========================================Recursive count how many insertions are needed, very slow and inefficient. Time Complexity: O(2^N) Space Complexity: O(N^2) , for each function call a new string is created (and the recursion can have depth of max N calls)Dynamic programming. Count intersections looking in 3 direction in the dp table (diagonally left-up or min(left, up)). Time Complexity: O(N^2) Space Complexity: O(N^2)"""############### Solution 1 ###############defcreate_palindrome_1(word): n =len(word)# base casesif n ==1:return wordif n ==2:if word[0]!= word[1]: word += word[0]# make a palindromreturn word# check if the first and last chars are sameif word[0]== word[-1]:# add first and last charsreturn word[0]+create_palindrome_1(word[1:-1])+ word[-1]# if not remove the first and after that the last char# and find which result has less chars first =create_palindrome_1(word[1:]) first = word[0]+ first + word[0]# add first char twice last =create_palindrome_1(word[:-1]) last = word[-1]+ last + word[-1]# add last char twiceiflen(first)<len(last):return firstreturn last############### Solution 2 ###############import mathdefcreate_palindrome_2(word): n =len(word) dp = [[0for j inrange(n)] for i inrange(n)]# run dpfor gap inrange(1, n): left =0for right inrange(gap, n):if word[left]== word[right]: dp[left][right] = dp[left +1][right -1]else: dp[left][right] =min(dp[left][right -1], dp[left +1][right])+1 left +=1# build the palindrome using the dp tablereturnbuild_palindrome(word, dp, 0, n -1)defbuild_palindrome(word,dp,left,right):# similar like the first solution, but without exponentialy branching# this is linear time, we already know the inserting valuesif left > right:return""if left == right:return word[left]if word[left]== word[right]:return word[left]+build_palindrome(word, dp, left +1, right -1)+ word[left]if dp[left +1][right] < dp[left][right -1]:return word[left]+build_palindrome(word, dp, left +1, right)+ word[left]return word[right]+build_palindrome(word, dp, left, right -1)+ word[right]############ Testing ############# Test 1# Correct result => 'ecarace'word ="race"print(create_palindrome_1(word))print(create_palindrome_2(word))# Test 2# Correct result => 'elgoogle'word ="google"print(create_palindrome_1(word))print(create_palindrome_2(word))# Test 3# Correct result => 'adcbcda'word ="abcda"print(create_palindrome_1(word))print(create_palindrome_2(word))# Test 4# Correct result => 'abcdefgfedcba'word ="adefgfdcba"print(create_palindrome_1(word))print(create_palindrome_2(word))"""Interleaving StringsGiven are three strings A, B and C.C is said to be interleaving of A and B, if:- it contains all characters of A and B, and- order of all characters from A and B is preserved in CYour task is to count in how many ways C can be formed by interleaving of A and B.Input: A='xy', B= 'xz', C: 'xxyz'Output: 2Output explanation: 1) Take 'x' from A, then 'x' from B, then 'y' from A and at the end 'z' from B. 2) Take 'x' from B, then 'x' from A, then 'y' from A and at the end 'z' from B.=========================================2D Dynamic programming solution. Time Complexity: O(N*M) Space Complexity: O(N*M)1D Dynamic programming solution. Only the last two rows from the whole matrix are used, but that could be represented using only 1 row. Time Complexity: O(N*M) Space Complexity: O(M)"""############### Solution 1 ###############definterleaving_strings_1(A,B,C): nA, nB, nC =len(A),len(B),len(C)if nA + nB != nC:return0 dp = [[0for j inrange(nB +1)] for i inrange(nA +1)]# starting values dp[0][0] =1for i inrange(1, nA +1):if A[i -1]== C[i -1]:# short form of if A[i - 1] == C[i - 1] and dp[i - 1][0] == 1# dp[i][0] and dp[0][1] can be only 0 or 1 dp[i][0] = dp[i -1][0]for i inrange(1, nB +1):if B[i -1]== C[i -1]: dp[0][i] = dp[0][i -1]# run dpfor i inrange(1, nA +1):for j inrange(1, nB +1):if A[i -1]== C[i + j -1]:# look for the dp value from the previous position dp[i][j] += dp[i -1][j]if B[j -1]== C[i + j -1]:# look for the dp value from the previous position dp[i][j] += dp[i][j -1]return dp[nA][nB]############### Solution 2 ###############definterleaving_strings_2(A,B,C): nA, nB, nC =len(A),len(B),len(C)if nA + nB != nC:return0 dp = [0for j inrange(nB +1)]# starting values dp[0]=1for i inrange(1, nB +1):if B[i -1]== C[i -1]: dp[i]= dp[i -1]# run dpfor i inrange(1, nA +1):if A[i -1]!= C[i -1]:# reset the value dp[0]=0for j inrange(1, nB +1):if A[i -1]!= C[i + j -1]:# reset the value dp[j]=0if B[j -1]== C[i + j -1]: dp[j]+= dp[j -1]return dp[nB]############ Testing ############# Test 1# Correct result => 2a, b, c ="xy","xz","xxyz"print(interleaving_strings_1(a, b, c))print(interleaving_strings_2(a, b, c))"""Jump Game 2Given an array of non-negative integers, you are initially positioned at the first index of the array.Each element in the array represents your maximum jump length at that position.Your goal is to reach the last index in the minimum number of jumps.Input: XXXOutput: XXXOutput explanation: XXX=========================================Classical 1D Dynamic Programming solution. Time Complexity: O(N) , maybe looks like O(N^2) but that's not possible Space Complexity: O(N)If you analyze the previous solution, you'll see that you don't need the whole DP array. Time Complexity: O(N) Space Complexity: O(1)"""############### Solution 1 ###############defmin_jumps_1(nums): n =len(nums)if n <=1:return0 dp = [-1] * n dp[0]=0for i inrange(n): this_jump = i + nums[i] jumps = dp[i]+1if this_jump >= n -1:return jumps# starging from back, go reverse and# change all -1 values and break when first positive is foundfor j inrange(this_jump, i, -1):if dp[j]!=-1:break dp[j]= jumps############### Solution 2 ###############defmin_jumps_2(nums): n =len(nums)if n <=1:return0 jumps =0 max_jump =0 new_max_jump =0for i inrange(n):if max_jump < i: max_jump = new_max_jump jumps +=1 this_jump = i + nums[i]if this_jump >= n -1:return jumps +1 new_max_jump =max(new_max_jump, this_jump)############ Testing ############# Test 1# Correct result => 2nums = [2,3,1,1,4]print(min_jumps_1(nums))print(min_jumps_2(nums))"""Longest Common SubsequenceGiven 2 strings, find the longest common subseqence - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest_common_subsequence_problemNOT Longest Common Substring, this is a different problem.Substring is a string composed ONLY of neighboring chars, subsequence could contain non-neighboring chars.Input: 'ABAZDC', 'BACBAD'Output: 'ABAD'Input: 'I'm meto', 'I am Meto'Output: 'Im eto'=========================================Dynamic programming solution.Find more details here: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/printing-longest-common-subsequence/ Time Complexity: O(N * M) Space Complexity: O(N * M) , can be O(M) see longest_common_substring.py solution (but you'll need to save subsequences)"""############# Solution #############deflongest_common_subsequence(str1,str2): n, m =len(str1),len(str2)# create dp matrix dp = [[0for j inrange(m +1)] for i inrange(n +1)]# run dpfor i inrange(1, n +1):for j inrange(1, m +1):# checks only in 3 directions in the table# in short: to the current position dp could come from those 3 previous positions# ^ ^# \ |# <- Oif str1[i -1]== str2[j -1]:# from this position dp could come only if there is a match in the previous chars dp[i][j] = dp[i -1][j -1] +1else:# dp could come from these positions only if there is no much dp[i][j] =max(dp[i -1][j], dp[i][j -1])# find the subseqence/string letters = dp[n][m]# use an array for storing the chars because string manipulation operations are not time and space efficient result = [""for i inrange(letters)] i = n j = mwhile (i !=0) and (j !=0):# use the inverse logic from upper code (filling the dp table)if str1[i -1]== str2[j -1]: letters -=1 result[letters]= str1[i -1] j -=1 i -=1elif dp[i -1][j] < dp[i][j -1]: j -=1else: i -=1return"".join(result)############ Testing ############# Test 1# Correct result => 'ABAD'print(longest_common_subsequence("ABAZDC", "BACBAD"))# Test 2# Correct result => 'Im eto'print(longest_common_subsequence("I'm meto", "I am Meto"))"""Longest Common SubstringGiven two strings X and Y, find the of longest common substring.Input: 'GeeksforGeeks', 'GeeksQuiz'Output: 'Geeks'=========================================Dynamic Programming Solution. Time Complexity: O(N * M) Space Complexity: O(M)* For this problem exists a faster solution, using Suffix tree, Time Complexity O(N + M)."""############# Solution #############deflongest_common_substring(str1,str2): n, m =len(str1),len(str2)# instead of creating a whole dp table, use only 2 rows (current and previous row) curr = [0for j inrange(m +1)] prev = [] max_length =0 max_idx =0for i inrange(1, n +1):# save the previous row and create the current row prev = curr curr = [0for j inrange(m +1)]for j inrange(1, m +1):if str1[i -1]== str2[j -1]:# search only for matching chars curr[j]= prev[j -1]+1if curr[j]> max_length:# save the last matching index of the first string max_length = curr[j] max_idx = ireturn str1[max_idx - max_length : max_idx]############ Testing ############# Test 1# Correct result => BABCprint(longest_common_substring("ABABC", "BABCA"))# Test 2# Correct result => Geeksprint(longest_common_substring("GeeksforGeeks", "GeeksQuiz"))# Test 3# Correct result => abcdprint(longest_common_substring("abcdxyz", "xyzabcd"))# Test 4# Correct result => abcdezprint(longest_common_substring("zxabcdezy", "yzabcdezx"))"""Longest Increasing Subsequence (LIS)Find the longest increasing subsequence.(subsequence doesn't mean that all elements need to be neighboring in the original array).Sample input: [1, 4, 2, 0, 3, 1]Sample output: [1, 2, 3]or output the lengthSample output: 3=========================================Dynamic programming (classical) solution. Time Complexity: O(N^2) Space Complexity: O(N)Dynamic programing in combination with binary search.Explanation in details: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/longest-monotonically-increasing-subsequence-size-n-log-n/ Time Complexity: O(N * logN) Space Complexity: O(N^2) , if you need only the length of the LIS, extra space complexity will be O(N)"""############### Solution 1 ###############deflongest_increasing_subsequence_1(nums): n =len(nums)if n ==0:return0 dp = [1for i inrange(n)] max_val =1# run dpfor i inrange(n):for j inrange(i):if nums[j]< nums[i]: dp[i]=max(dp[i], dp[j] +1) max_val =max(max_val, dp[i])# find the values (there could be more combinations/solutions) current_val = max_val result = [0for i inrange(current_val)]# start from the back and look for the biggest value in dp listfor i inrange(n -1, -1, -1):if (dp[i]== current_val) and ( (len(result)== current_val) or (result[current_val]> nums[i]) ): current_val -=1 result[current_val]= nums[i]return result############### Solution 2 ###############deflongest_increasing_subsequence_2(nums): n =len(nums)if n ==0:return0# the last dp array result in longest increasing subsequence dp = []for i inrange(n): idx =binary_search(dp, nums[i]) k =len(dp)if idx == k:# bigger element than the current wasn't found arr = []if k !=0: arr = [i for i in dp[-1]] # make a copy arr.append(nums[i]) dp.append(arr)elif dp[idx][-1] > nums[i]:# smaller element was found, replace it dp[idx][-1] = nums[i]return dp[-1]defbinary_search(dp,target): l =0 r =len(dp)-1while l <= r: mid = l + (r - l) //2if dp[mid][-1] == target:return midelif dp[mid][-1] < target: l = mid +1else: r = mid -1return l############ Testing ############# Test 1# Correct result => [2, 3, 7, 18] - one of the possible combinationsarr = [10,9,2,5,3,7,101,18]print(longest_increasing_subsequence_1(arr))print(longest_increasing_subsequence_2(arr))# Test 2# Correct result => [1, 2, 3]arr = [1,2,3]print(longest_increasing_subsequence_1(arr))print(longest_increasing_subsequence_2(arr))# Test 3# Correct result => [1, 2, 5, 7, 12] - one of the possible combinationsarr = [10,1,3,8,2,0,5,7,12,3]print(longest_increasing_subsequence_1(arr))print(longest_increasing_subsequence_2(arr))# Test 4# Correct result => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]arr = [12,1,11,2,10,3,9,4,8,5,7,6]print(longest_increasing_subsequence_1(arr))print(longest_increasing_subsequence_2(arr))# Test 5# Correct result => [1, 2, 3]arr = [1,4,2,0,3,1]print(longest_increasing_subsequence_1(arr))print(longest_increasing_subsequence_2(arr))# Test 6# Correct result => [3] - one of the possible combinationsarr = [7,5,5,5,5,5,3]print(longest_increasing_subsequence_1(arr))print(longest_increasing_subsequence_2(arr))"""Max Profit With K TransactionsYou are given an array of integers representing the prices of a single stock on various days(each index in the array represents a different day).You are also given an integer k, which represents the number of transactions you are allowed to make.One transaction consists of buying the stock on a given day and selling it on another, later day.Write a function that returns the maximum profit that you can make buying and selling the stock,given k transactions. Note that you can only hold 1 share of the stock at a time; in other words,you cannot buy more than 1 share of the stock on any given day, and you cannot buy a share of thestock if you are still holding another share.In a day, you can first sell a share and buy another after that.Input: [5, 11, 3, 50, 60, 90], 2Output: 93Output explanation: Buy 5, Sell 11; Buy 3, Sell 90=========================================Optimized dynamic programming solution.For this solution you'll need only the current and previous rows.The original (not optimized) DP formula is: MAX(dp[t][d-1], price[d] + MAX(dp[t-1][x] - price[x])),but this is O(K * N^2) Time Complexity, and O(N * K) space complexity. Time Complexity: O(N * К) Space Complexity: O(N)"""############# Solution #############import mathdefmax_profit_with_k_transactions(prices,k): days =len(prices)if days <2:# not enough days for a transactionreturn0# transaction = buy + sell (2 separate days)# in a day you can sell and after that buy a share# (according to this, can't exists more transactions than the number of the prices/days) k =min(k, days)# create space optimized dp matrix dp = [[0for j inrange(days)] for i inrange(2)]for t inrange(k): max_prev =-math.inf# compute which row is previous and which is the current one prev_idx = (t -1) %2 curr_idx = t %2# the values in dp table for these days will be same# just ignore them, don't update them (because those combinations were tried) past_days = t# only save the last one dp[curr_idx][past_days] = dp[prev_idx][past_days]for d inrange(past_days +1, days):# first try to buy with the current price max_prev =max(max_prev, dp[prev_idx][d -1] - prices[d -1])# after that try to sell with the current price dp[curr_idx][d] =max(dp[curr_idx][d -1], max_prev + prices[d])# return the last value from the last transactionreturn dp[(k -1) %2][-1]############ Testing ############# Test 1# Correct result => 9print(max_profit_with_k_transactions([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], 10))# Test 2# Correct result => 93print(max_profit_with_k_transactions([5, 11, 3, 50, 60, 90], 2))"""Maximum subarray sumThe subarray must be contiguous.Sample input: [-2, -3, 4, -1, -2, 1, 5, -3]Sample output: 7Output explanation: [4, -1, -2, 1, 5]=========================================Need only one iteration, in each step add the current element to the current sum.When the sum is less than 0, reset the sum to 0 and continue with adding. (we care only about non-negative sums)After each addition, check if the current sum is greater than the max sum. (Called Kadane's algorithm) Time Complexity: O(N) Space Complexity: O(1)"""############# Solution #############defmax_subarray_sum(a): curr_sum =0 max_sum =0for val in a:# extend the current sum with the curren value;# reset it to 0 if it is smaller than 0, we care only about non-negative sums curr_sum =max(0, curr_sum + val)# check if this is the max sum max_sum =max(max_sum, curr_sum)return max_sum############ Testing ############# Test 1# Correct result => 7print(max_subarray_sum([-2, -3, 4, -1, -2, 1, 5, -3]))# Test 2# Correct result => 5print(max_subarray_sum([1, -2, 2, -2, 3, -2, 4, -5]))# Test 3# Correct result => 7print(max_subarray_sum([-2, -5, 6, -2, -3, 1, 5, -6]))# Test 4# Correct result => 0print(max_subarray_sum([-6, -1]))"""Min Cost ColoringA builder is looking to build a row of N houses that can be of K different colors.He has a goal of minimizing cost while ensuring that no two neighboring houses are of the same color.Given an N by K matrix where the nth row and kth column represents the cost to build thenth house with kth color, return the minimum cost which achieves this goal.=========================================Dynamic programming, for each house search for the cheapest combination of the previous houses.But don't search the whole array with combinations (colors), save only the smallest 2(in this case we're sure that the previous house doesn't have the same color). Time Complexity: O(N * K) Space Complexity: O(1)"""############# Solution #############import mathdefmin_cost_coloring(dp):# no need from a new dp matrix, you can use the input matrix n =len(dp)if n ==0:return0 m =len(dp[0])if m <2:return-1# save only the smallest 2 costs instead of searching the whole previous array prev_min = [(0,-1), (0,-1)]for i inrange(n): curr_min = [(math.inf,-1), (math.inf,-1)]for j inrange(m):# find result with different colorif j != prev_min[0][1]: dp[i][j] += prev_min[0][0]else: dp[i][j] += prev_min[1][0]# save the current result if smaller than the current 2if curr_min[0][0] > dp[i][j]: curr_min[1]= curr_min[0] curr_min[0]= (dp[i][j], j)elif curr_min[1][0] > dp[i][j]: curr_min[1]= (dp[i][j], j) prev_min = curr_min# return the min cost of the last housereturnmin(dp[n -1])############ Testing ############# Test 1# Correct result => 5print(min_cost_coloring( [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [5, 4, 3, 2, 1], [3, 2, 1, 4, 5], [3, 2, 1, 4, 3]] ))# Test 2# Correct result => 6print(min_cost_coloring( [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]] ))"""Number of DecodingsGiven the mapping a=1, b=2, ... , z=26, and an encoded message, count the number of ways it can be decoded.For example, the message "111" would give 3, since it could be decoded as "aaa", "ka" and "ak".All of the messages are decodable!=========================================The easiest solution is Brute-Force (building a tree and making all combinations),and in the worst case there will be Fibbionaci(N) combinations, so the worst Time Complexity will be O(Fib(N))Dynamic programming solution. Similar to number_of_smses.py. Time Complexity: O(N) Space Complexity: O(N)"""############# Solution #############defnum_decodings(code): n =len(code) dp = [0for i inrange(n)]if n ==0:return0 dp[0]=1if n ==1:return dp[0] dp[1]= (code[1]!="0") +is_valid(code[0:2])for i inrange(2, n):if code[i]!="0":# looking for how many combinations are there till now if this is a single digit dp[i]+= dp[i -1]ifis_valid(code[i -1 : i +1]):# looking for how many combinations are there till now if this is a number of 2 digits dp[i]+= dp[i -2]return dp[n -1]defis_valid(code): k =int(code)return (k <27) and (k >9)############ Testing ############# Test 1# Correct result => 5print(num_decodings("12151"))# Test 2# Correct result => 5print(num_decodings("1111"))# Test 3# Correct result => 3print(num_decodings("111"))# Test 4# Correct result => 1print(num_decodings("1010"))# Test 5# Correct result => 4print(num_decodings("2626"))# Test 6# Correct result => 1print(num_decodings("1"))# Test 7# Correct result => 2print(num_decodings("11"))# Test 8# Correct result => 3print(num_decodings("111"))# Test 9# Correct result => 5print(num_decodings("1111"))# Test 10# Correct result => 8print(num_decodings("11111"))# Test 11# Correct result => 13print(num_decodings("111111"))# Test 12# Correct result => 21print(num_decodings("1111111"))# Test 13# Correct result => 34print(num_decodings("11111111"))"""Number of SMSesGiven the number sequence that is being typed in order to write and SMS message, return the countof all the possible messages that can be constructed. 1 2 3 abc def 4 5 6ghi jkl mno 7 8 9pqrs tuv wxyzThe blank space character is constructed with a '0'.Input: '222'Output: 4Output explanation: '222' could mean: 'c', 'ab','ba' or 'aaa'. That makes 4 possible messages.=========================================Dynamic programming solution. Similar to number_of_decodings.py. Time Complexity: O(N) Space Complexity: O(N)"""############# Solution #############defnum_smses(sequence): n =len(sequence) dp = [0] * n# dp starting values, check all 4 possible starting combinationsfor i inrange(min(4, n)):ifis_valid(sequence[0 : i +1]): dp[i]=1# run dpfor i inrange(1, n):# check all 4 possible combinations (x, xx, xxx, xxxx)for j inrange(min(4, i)):ifis_valid(sequence[i - j : i +1]): dp[i]+= dp[i - j -1]return dp[n -1]defis_valid(sequence): ch = sequence[0]for c in sequence:if c != ch:returnFalseif sequence =="0":returnTrueif ((ch >="2"and ch <="6") or ch =="8") and (len(sequence)<4):returnTrueif (ch =="7") or (ch =="9"):returnTruereturnFalse############ Testing ############# Test 1# Correct result => 4print(num_smses("222"))# Test 2# Correct result => 14print(num_smses("2202222"))# Test 3# Correct result => 274print(num_smses("2222222222"))"""Ordered DigitsWe are given a number and we need to transform to a new number where all its digits are ordered in a non descending order.We are allowed to increase or decrease a digit by 1, and each of those actions counts as one operation.We are also allowed to over/underflow a number meaning from '9' we can change to '0' and also from '0' to '9', also costing only one operation.One same digit can be changed multiple times.Find the minimum number of operations we need to do do to create a new number with its ordered digits.Input: 301Output: 3Output explanation: 301 -> 201 -> 101 -> 111, in this case 3 operations are required to get an ordered number.Input: 901Output: 1Output explanation: 901 -> 001, in this case 1 operation is required to get an ordered number.Input: 5982Output: 4Output explanation: 5982 -> 5981 -> 5980 -> 5989 -> 5999, in this case 4 operations are required to get an ordered number.=========================================Dynamic programming solution. For each position, calculate the cost of transformation to each possible digit (0-9).And take the minimum value from the previous position (but smaller than the current digit). Time Complexity: O(N) , O(N*10) = O(N), N = number of digits Space Complexity: O(N) , same O(N*2) = O(N)"""############# Solution #############defordered_digits(number): n =len(number) dp = [[0for j inrange(10)] for i inrange(2)]for i inrange(n): min_prev =float("inf")for j inrange(10):# find the min value from the previous digit and add it to the current value min_prev =min(min_prev, dp[(i -1) %2][j])# compute diff between the current digit and wanted digit diff =abs(j -int(number[i])) dp[i %2][j] =min(diff, 10- diff)+ min_prev# min value from the last digitreturnmin(dp[(n -1) %2])############ Testing ############# Test 1# Correct result => 3print(ordered_digits("301"))# Test 2# Correct result => 1print(ordered_digits("901"))# Test 3# Correct result => 4print(ordered_digits("5982"))"""Split CoinsYou have a number of coins with various amounts.You need to split the coins in two groups so that the difference between those groups in minimal.Input: [1, 1, 1, 3, 5, 10, 18]Output: 1Output explanation: First group 1, 3, 5, 10 (or 1, 1, 3, 5, 10) and second group 1, 1, 18 (or 1, 18).=========================================Simple dynamic programming solution. Find the closest sum to the half of the sum of all coins. Time Complexity: O(C*HS) , C = number of coins, HS = half of the sum of all coins Space Complexity: O(HS)"""############# Solution #############defsplit_coins(coins):iflen(coins)==0:return-1 full_sum =sum(coins) half_sum = full_sum //2+1 dp = [False] * half_sum dp[0]=Truefor c in coins:for i inrange(half_sum -1, -1, -1):if (i >= c) and dp[i - c]:# if you want to find coins, save the coin here dp[i] = c dp[i]=Truefor i inrange(half_sum -1, -1, -1):if dp[i]:# if you want to print coins, while i>0: print(dp[i]) i -= dp[i]return full_sum -2* i# not possiblereturn-1############ Testing ############# Test 1# Correct result => 1print(split_coins([1, 1, 1, 3, 5, 10, 18]))"""Sum of non-adjacent numbersGiven a list of integers, write a function that returns the largest sum of non-adjacent numbers.Numbers can be 0 or negative.Input: [2, 4, 6, 2, 5]Output: 13Output explanation: We pick 2, 6, and 5.Input: [5, 1, 1, 5]Output: 10Output explanation: We pick 5 and 5.=========================================Dynamic programming solution, but don't need the whole DP array, only the last 3 sums (DPs) are needed. Time Complexity: O(N) Space Complexity: O(1)"""############# Solution #############defsum_non_adjacent(arr): n =len(arr)# from the dp matrix you only need the last 3 sums sums = [0,0,0]# TODO: refactor these if-elses, those are to skip using of DP matrixif n ==0:return0# if negative or zero, the sum will be 0 sums[0]=max(arr[0], 0)if n ==1:return sums[0] sums[1]= arr[1]# if the second number is negative or zero, then jump itif sums[1]<=0: sums[1]= sums[0]if n ==2:returnmax(sums[0], sums[1]) sums[2]= arr[2]# if the third number is negative or zero, then jump itif sums[2]<=0: sums[2]=max(sums[0], sums[1])else: sums[2]+= sums[0]# THE SOLUTIONfor i inrange(3, n): temp =0if arr[i]>0:# take this number, because it's positive and the sum will be bigger temp =max(sums[0], sums[1])+ arr[i]else:# don't take this number, because the sum will be same or smaller temp =max(sums)# remove the first sum sums = sums[1:]+ [temp]# return the max sumreturnmax(sums)############ Testing ############# Test 1# Correct result => 13print(sum_non_adjacent([2, 4, 6, 2, 5]))# Test 2# Correct result => 15print(sum_non_adjacent([2, 4, 2, 6, 2, -3, -2, 0, -3, 5]))# Test 3# Correct result => 10print(sum_non_adjacent([5, 1, 1, 5]))# Test 4# Correct result => 10print(sum_non_adjacent([5, 1, -1, 1, 5]))"""Transform Number Ascending DigitsGiven a number and we need to transform to a new number where all its digits are ordered in a non descending order.All digits can be increased, decreased, over/underflow are allowed.Find the minimum number of operations we need to do to create a new number with its ordered digits.Input: '5982'Output: 4Output explanation: 5999, 1 operation to transform 8 to 9, 3 operations to transform 2 to 9.=========================================Dynamic programming solution. Time Complexity: O(N) , O(N * 10 * 10) = O(100 N) = O(N) Space Complexity: O(1) , O(10 * 10) = O(100) = O(1)"""############# Solution #############defoperations(number): n =len(number) diff =lambdai,j: abs(j -int(number[i]))# compute diff between the current digit and wanted digit, and fill the dp prev_dp = [min(diff(0, i), 10-diff(0, i))for i inrange(10)]# go through all digits and see all possible combinations using dynamic programmingfor i inrange(1, n): curr_dp = [min(diff(i, j), 10-diff(i, j))for j inrange(10)]for j inrange(10):# find the min value for the previous digit and add it to the current value curr_dp[j]+=min(prev_dp[0 : j +1]) prev_dp = curr_dp# min value from the last digit min_dist =min(prev_dp)return min_dist############ Testing ############# Test 1# Correct result => 1print(operations("901"))# Test 2# Correct result => 3print(operations("301"))# Test 3# Correct result => 4print(operations("5982"))"""Word Break (Find the original words)Given a dictionary of words and a string made up of those words (no spaces), return the original sentence in a list.If there is more than one possible reconstruction, return solution with less words.If there is no possible reconstruction, then return null.Input: sentence = 'thequickbrownfox', words = ['quick', 'brown', 'the', 'fox']Output: ['the', 'quick', 'brown', 'fox']Input: sentence = 'bedbathandbeyond', words = ['bed', 'bath', 'bedbath', 'and', 'beyond']Output: ['bedbath', 'and', 'beyond'] (['bed', 'bath', 'and', 'beyond] has more words)=========================================Optimized dynamic programming solution (more simpler solutions can be found here https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/word-break-problem-dp-32/) Time Complexity: O(N*M) , N = number of chars in the sentence, M = max word length Space Complexity: O(N+W) , W = number of wordsBonus solution: Backtracking, iterate the sentence construct a substring and check if that substring exist in the set of words.If the end is reached but the last word doesn't exist in the words, go back 1 word from the result (backtracking).* But this solution doesn't give the result with the smallest number of words (gives the first found result) Time Complexity: O(?) , (worst case, about O(W! * N), for example sentence='aaaaaac', words=['a','aa','aaa','aaaa','aaaaa', 'aaaaaa']) Space Complexity: O(W)"""############# Solution #############import mathdefword_break(sentence,words): n, w =len(sentence),len(words)if (n ==0) or (w ==0):returnNone dw = [-1for i inrange(n +1)] dp = [math.inf for i inrange(n +1)] dp[0]=0 matched_indices = [0] dic ={}# save all words in dictionary for faster searching max_word =0# length of the max wordfor i inrange(w): dic[words[i]]= i max_word =max(max_word, len(words[i]))for i inrange(1, n +1): matched =False# start from the back of the matched_indices list (from the bigger numbers)for j inrange(len(matched_indices) -1, -1, -1): matched_index = matched_indices[j]# break this loop if the subsentence created with this matched index is bigger than the biggest wordif matched_index < i - max_word:break subsentence = sentence[matched_index:i]# save this result if this subsentence exist in the words and number of words that forms sentence is smallerif (subsentence in dic) and (dp[matched_index]+1< dp[i]): dp[i]= dp[matched_index]+1 dw[i]= dic[subsentence] matched =Trueif matched: matched_indices.append(i)# the sentence can't be composed from the given wordsif dp[n]== math.inf:returnNone# find the words that compose this sentence result = [""for i inrange(dp[n])] i = n j = dp[n]-1while i >0: result[j]= words[dw[i]] i -=len(words[dw[i]]) j -=1return result########################## Solution Backtracking ##########################from collections import dequedefword_break_backtracking(sentence,words): all_words =set()# create a set from all wordsfor i inrange(len(words)): all_words.add(words[i]) n =len(sentence) i =0 subsentence ="" result =deque()# go letter by letter and save the new letter in subsentencewhile (i < n) or (len(subsentence)!=0):# if there are no left letters in the sentence, then this combination is not valid# remove the last word from the results and continue from that wordif i == n: i -=len(subsentence)# if there are no words in the result, then this string is not composed only from the given wordsiflen(result)==0:returnNone subsentence = result[-1] result.pop()# add the new letter into subsentence and remove it from the sentence subsentence += sentence[i] i +=1# check if the new word exist in the setif subsentence in all_words: result.append(subsentence) subsentence =""returnlist(result)############ Testing ############# Test 1# Correct result => ['the', 'quick', 'brown', 'fox']print(word_break("thequickbrownfox", ["quick", "brown", "the", "fox"]))# Test 2# Correct result => ['bedbath', 'and', 'beyond']print(word_break("bedbathandbeyond", ["bed", "bath", "bedbath", "and", "beyond"]))# Test 3# Correct result => ['bedbath', 'andbeyond']print(word_break("bedbathandbeyond", ["bed", "and", "bath", "bedbath", "bathand", "beyond", "andbeyond"], ))# Test 4# Correct result => None ('beyo' doesn't exist)print(word_break("bedbathandbeyo", ["bed", "bath", "bedbath", "bathand", "beyond"]))# Test 5# Correct result => ['314', '15926535897', '9323', '8462643383279']print(word_break("3141592653589793238462643383279", ["314", "49", "9001", "15926535897", "14", "9323", "8462643383279", "4", "793"], ))# Test 6# Correct result => ['i', 'like', 'like', 'i', 'mango', 'i', 'i', 'i']print(word_break("ilikelikeimangoiii", ["mobile","samsung","sam","sung","man","mango","icecream","and","go","i","like","ice","cream", ], ))```