D3- Module 03 - Python III
Objective 02 - Perform basic list operations
Lists are similar to arrays. They can store any type of variable and as many variables as you want. You can iterate over lists effortlessly.
A dictionary is like a list, but instead of accessing values with an index, you access values with a "key." A "key" can be any type of object (string, number, list, etc.). Also, unlike lists, dictionaries do not have an order.
To build a list, you can do the following:
In Python, if you try to access a list index that does not exist, you get an IndexError: list index out of range
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Let's make sure we can perform basic list operations.
First, let's create a numbers
list that contains the numbers 1
, 2
, and 3
Now, let's create a strings
list that contains the strings "Lambda"
and "School"
Now, let's make sure we can access items from a specific index in a list. Let's access the 3rd item from numbers and the 2nd item from strings and print them out (don't forget that lists are zero-indexed).
Last, let's iterate through our numbers
list to sum up all of the numbers:
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Let's use a dictionary to create a collection that maps first names as keys (strings) to phone numbers as values.
Instead of adding one key-value pair at a time, we can initialize the dictionary to have the same values.
We can iterate over a dictionary as we iterated over a list. We can use the items()
method, which returns a tuple with the key and value for each item in the dictionary.
Objective 01 - Understand hash collisions and use a linked list for collision resolution in a user-defined HashTable class
Remember when we wondered what would happen if multiple keys hashed to the same index, and we said that we would worry about it later? Whelp, it's later 🤪.
Let's say we were given the key-value pair ("Ryan", 10)
. Our hash code then maps "Ryan" to index 3. Excellent, that works!Now let's say after we inserted ("Ryan", 10)
, we have to insert ("Parth", 12)
. Our hash code maps "Parth" to index 3. Uh oh! Ryan is already there! What do we do?? 😱
Ok, let's stop freaking out, and let's think about this. If we don't do anything, the value stored at index 3 will just get overwritten. Meaning if we try to retrieve the value associated with "Ryan"
, 12 will be returned instead of 10. That might not seem like a big deal, but what if we were returning passwords based on a user ID, and we returned someone else's password. That would be horrible.
Let's fix this problem. The most common way to solve this is with chaining. If we see multiple values hashed to an index, we will chain them in a some data structure that can hold multiple items. In our case, we'll use Python's list
type, but a more typical solution would use a linked list. We'll cover linked lists in a future module.
Ok, sounds ideal? But how does this work in code? Let's write some of it together.
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Below is a partially filled out hash table class where we will be using HashTableEntry
as our chain entries.
Take a look at the code below.
Let's implement the put
method with collision resolution by chaining. What are the two cases we need to handle?
There are no entries at the index. Great! We can initialize the entry to a list with the new
in it.There are multiple entries at the index. We need to check every entry in the chain. If the key in one of the entries is equal to the key we are passing in, we need to replace it. For instance, let's say we pass in
("Ryan", 12),
and then we later pass in("Ryan", 15)
. We would need to replace "Ryan"'s old value with 15. If there are no entries that match, we create a new entry at the end of the chain.
Ok, that might sound confusing. Let's start breaking it down into code.
First, we need to hash the key and start with the first entry at that index.
Next, we need to go through the chain. We need to check two conditions:
The current entry is not empty.
The key or the current entry is not equal to the key we are passing in.
Sweet! Now we need to check what happens when the loop breaks. It would only break for two reasons:
We reached an entry with the same key and need to replace the value.
We reached the end of the chain and need to create a new entry.
Let's write that in code!
Great! We created the put
Objective 02 - Define and compute the load factor of a hash table and implement a hash table that automatically resizes based on load factor
What does runtime look like with linked list chaining?
The performance of hash tables for search, insertion, and deletion is constant time (O(1)
) in the average case. However, as the chains get longer and longer, in the worst case, those same operations are done in linear time (O(n)
). The more collisions that your hash table has, the less performant the hash table is. To avoid collisions, a proper hash function and maintaining a low load factor is crucial. What is a load factor?
Load Factor
The load factor of a hash table is trivial to calculate. You take the number of items stored in the hash table divided by the number of slots.
Hash tables use an array for storage. So, the load factor is the number of occupied slots divided by the length of the array. So, an array of length 10 with three items in it has a load factor of 0.3, and an array of length 20 with twenty items has a load factor of 1. If you use linear probing for collision resolution, then the maximum load factor is 1. If you use chaining for collision resolution, then the load factor can be greater than 1.
As the load factor of your hash table increases, so does the likelihood of a collision, which reduces your hash table's performance. Therefore, you need to monitor the load factor and resize your hash table when the load factor gets too large. The general rule of thumb is to resize your hash table when your load factor is greater than 0.7. Also, when you resize, it is common to double the size of the hash table. When you resize the array, you need to re-insert all of the items into this new hash table. You cannot simply copy the old items into the new hash table. Each item has to be rerun through the hashing function because the hashing function considers the size of the hash table when determining the index that it returns.
You can see that resizing is an expensive operation, so you don’t want to resize too often. However, when we average it out, hash tables are constant time (O(1)
) even with resizing.
The load factor can also be too small. If the hash table is too large for the data that it is storing, then memory is being wasted. So, in addition to resizing, when the load factor gets too high, you should also resize when the load factor gets too low.
One way to know when to resize your hash table is to compute the load factor whenever an item is inserted or deleted into the hash table. If the load factor is too high or too low, then you need to resize.
We added a get_load_factor
and resize
method to calculate the load factor and resize the hash table with a new capacity when necessary.
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Let's change our put
method to resize when the load factor gets too high. Here's how our current put
method looks:
To know when to resize, we need to correctly increment the count whenever we insert something new into the hash table. Let's go ahead and add that.
Next, we need to check if the load factor is greater than or equal to 0.7. If it is, we need to double our capacity and resize.
Fantastic, we did it!
Objective 02 - Define and compute the load factor of a hash table and implement a hash table that automatically resizes based on load factor
What does runtime look like with linked list chaining?
The performance of hash tables for search, insertion, and deletion is constant time (O(1)
) in the average case. However, as the chains get longer and longer, in the worst case, those same operations are done in linear time (O(n)
). The more collisions that your hash table has, the less performant the hash table is. To avoid collisions, a proper hash function and maintaining a low load factor is crucial. What is a load factor?
Load Factor
The load factor of a hash table is trivial to calculate. You take the number of items stored in the hash table divided by the number of slots.
Hash tables use an array for storage. So, the load factor is the number of occupied slots divided by the length of the array. So, an array of length 10 with three items in it has a load factor of 0.3, and an array of length 20 with twenty items has a load factor of 1. If you use linear probing for collision resolution, then the maximum load factor is 1. If you use chaining for collision resolution, then the load factor can be greater than 1.
As the load factor of your hash table increases, so does the likelihood of a collision, which reduces your hash table's performance. Therefore, you need to monitor the load factor and resize your hash table when the load factor gets too large. The general rule of thumb is to resize your hash table when your load factor is greater than 0.7. Also, when you resize, it is common to double the size of the hash table. When you resize the array, you need to re-insert all of the items into this new hash table. You cannot simply copy the old items into the new hash table. Each item has to be rerun through the hashing function because the hashing function considers the size of the hash table when determining the index that it returns.
You can see that resizing is an expensive operation, so you don’t want to resize too often. However, when we average it out, hash tables are constant time (O(1)
) even with resizing.
The load factor can also be too small. If the hash table is too large for the data that it is storing, then memory is being wasted. So, in addition to resizing, when the load factor gets too high, you should also resize when the load factor gets too low.
One way to know when to resize your hash table is to compute the load factor whenever an item is inserted or deleted into the hash table. If the load factor is too high or too low, then you need to resize.
We added a get_load_factor
and resize
method to calculate the load factor and resize the hash table with a new capacity when necessary.
Follow Along
Let's change our put
method to resize when the load factor gets too high. Here's how our current put
method looks:
To know when to resize, we need to correctly increment the count whenever we insert something new into the hash table. Let's go ahead and add that.
Next, we need to check if the load factor is greater than or equal to 0.7. If it is, we need to double our capacity and resize.
Fantastic, we did it!
Do we need to modify our
methods to account for the newget_load_factor
methods? Why or why not?
Additional Resources
To remove a key-value pair from a dictionary, you need to use the del
keyword or use the pop()
method available on dictionary objects. The difference is pop()
deletes the item from the dictionary and returns the value. When you use the del
keyword, you've written a statement that doesn't evaluate to anything.
An object's identity can never change once it has been created. You can think of an object's identity as its specific address in memory. In the code above, a = 1
created a new object in memory whose identity is represented by the integer 4483164816
Python has an is
operator that allows you to compare two object's identities.
In the code above, we first assign 1
to the variable a
. Then, we assign 2
to the variable b
. These are two different objects in memory and thus have different identities. We verify that they are different by using the is
operator, which returns False
. The line b = a
assigns the variable b
the object that the variable a
is pointed to. Now, both a
and b
are referencing the same object in memory. We can use the id()
function to verify that this is the case as well:
The type of an object determines what are its possible values and what operations that object supports. The type()
function will return what type an object is:
Just like an object's identity, once an object is created, its identity can never change. It's an object's type that determines whether an object is mutable or immutable.
The value of some objects can be changed after they are created. The value of some objects cannot be changed after they are created. If the object's value can be changed, that object is considered to be mutable (changeable). If the object's value cannot be changed, that object is considered to be immutable (unchangeable).
Mutable Objects
A mutable object is an object whose value can be changed after it is created. The word mutable is defined as:
liable to change
The following types of objects are mutable:
byte array
instances of user-defined classes
Let's look at a few examples in code:
In the first line, we create a list object with three elements and assign it to the variable my_list
. Then, because lists are mutable, we change 'love'
at index 2 to be 'joy'
instead. We also can grow our list by appending a new element to the list.
In the first line, we create a set object with three elements and assign it to the variable my_set
. Because set objects are mutable, we can add 'happy'
to the set and remove 'happiness'
from the set.
On line one, we create a dict object that has two key-value pairs. Then, because dict objects are mutable, we add key-value pair "location": "Nepal"
. Last, we delete that same key-value pair.
Mutable objects work great when you know you will likely need to change the size of the object as you use and interact with it. Changing mutable objects is cheap (because you don't have to copy all existing elements to a new object).
Aliasing with Mutable Objects
Below, I'm going to walk through what happens when you alias a mutable object. In Python, aliasing happens whenever a variable's value is assigned to another variable because variables are just names that store references to values.
Let me illustrate this with a helpful code visualizer tool called Python Tutor (Links to an external site.):
On line 1, we instantiate a new list object with three elements (1
, 2
, and 3
). The name my_list_orig
is the variable that we assign the new list to.
Then, on line 2, we create an alias of my_list_orig
by pointing my_list_alias
to whatever object my_list_orig
is pointing at. Notice in the image above that there is still only one list object. However, there are two variables in the global frame, and they are both pointing to the same object.
On line 3, we append a new element to my_list_orig
. Notice that, because both variables are referencing the same object, even though we appended to my_list_orig
, we also modified my_list_alias
On line 4, we removed the element 1
from my_list_orig
. Notice, just like when we added to the list, my_list_alias
is also affected.
This behavior is something you need to be aware of if you ever use aliasing with mutable objects in your code.
Immutable Objects
An immutable object is an object whose value cannot be changed after it is created. Immutable means not changeable. Anytime you try to update the value of an immutable object, a new object is created instead.
The following types are immutable:
Numbers (int, float, complex)
Immutable objects are useful when you want to make sure that the object you created will always maintain the same value. Immutable objects are more expensive to change (in terms of time and space complexity) because changing the object requires making a copy of the existing object.
Let's look at a few examples:
In the code above, the first line creates a new int object, and the variable my_int
now points at that object. You can see that this object has int
for its type, 4513307280
for its identity (location in memory), and 1
for its value.
Then, we assign 2
to my_int
which creates a whole new object and assigns it to the variable my_int
. This object has int
for its type, 4513307312
for its identity (which you can see is different from the first object), and 2
for its value.
Let's look at how string concatenation works in Python. Remember that str objects are immutable.
So, on line 1, we create a string object with the value 'a'
and assign it to the variable my_str
. We verify that the object is of type str
, we print its identity (140716674193840
) and print its value.
Then, we concatenate 'b'
onto the existing string with the line my_str += 'b'
. Now, because string objects are immutable, we cannot change a string object's value after it has been created. To concatenate, we create a new string object and assign the value 'ab'
to that object.
This behavior in Python is vital to be aware of when working with string concatenation. If you have to add and remove frequently from a string, this will be inefficient if you work with string objects directly.
Tuples are an immutable container of names, where each name has an unchangeable (immutable) binding to an object in memory. You cannot change the bindings of the names to the objects.
Here we created a tuple using (
and )
to denote the tuple literal syntax. Just like a list, tuples can contain elements of any type. Above, we've included a string, a list, and a boolean as our tuple elements. We are proving the tuple object's immutability by showing the error that occurs when trying to assign a new item to a position in the tuple.
One thing that often causes confusion surrounding the immutability of tuples in Python is demonstrated by the following behavior:
Notice that we cannot create a new list object and bind it to the name at position 1 of our tuple. This is demonstrated when my_tuple[1] = [4,5,6]
raises a TypeError
. However, we can assign new objects to the list that is at position 1 of our tuple? Why is that? Well, what do we know about lists in Python? Lists are mutable objects. So, we can modify a list without creating a new object. So, when we are modifying the list directly (instead of assigning a new object), it doesn't affect our tuple's immutability. Notice that the identity (140716674620864
) of the list at my_tuple[1]
doesn't change after replacing its three elements with 4
, 5
, and 6
Passing Objects to Functions
Mutable and immutable objects are not treated the same when they are passed as arguments to functions. When mutable objects are passed into a function, they are passed by reference. So, suppose you change the mutable object that was passed in as an argument. In that case, you are changing the original object as well.
Mutable Objects as Arguments
Notice that when append_num_to_list
is called and my_list
is passed in as an argument. When my_list
is bound to lst
in that stack frame, lst
points to the original my_list
in memory. The function call did not create a copy of my_list
. This behavior is because lists are mutable objects in Python.
Immutable Objects as Arguments
Next, let's see how Python behaves when we pass an immutable object as an argument to a function:
Notice when an immutable object is passed into a function, the object is copied and bound to the parameter name. In the example above, when my_string
is passed into concatenate_string_to_string
, my_string
is copied to a new object bound to the name orig_string
Objective 02 - Recognize mutable and immutable objects
In Python, everything is an object.
Additionally, all objects in Python have three things:
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An object's identity can never change once it has been created. You can think of an object's identity as its specific address in memory. In the code above, a = 1
created a new object in memory whose identity is represented by the integer 4483164816
Python has an is
operator that allows you to compare two object's identities.
In the code above, we first assign 1
to the variable a
. Then, we assign 2
to the variable b
. These are two different objects in memory and thus have different identities. We verify that they are different by using the is
operator, which returns False
. The line b = a
assigns the variable b
the object that the variable a
is pointed to. Now, both a
and b
are referencing the same object in memory. We can use the id()
function to verify that this is the case as well:
The type of an object determines what are its possible values and what operations that object supports. The type()
function will return what type an object is:
Just like an object's identity, once an object is created, its identity can never change. It's an object's type that determines whether an object is mutable or immutable.
The value of some objects can be changed after they are created. The value of some objects cannot be changed after they are created. If the object's value can be changed, that object is considered to be mutable (changeable). If the object's value cannot be changed, that object is considered to be immutable (unchangeable).
Mutable Objects
A mutable object is an object whose value can be changed after it is created. The word mutable is defined as:
liable to change
The following types of objects are mutable:
byte array
instances of user-defined classes
Let's look at a few examples in code:
In the first line, we create a list object with three elements and assign it to the variable my_list
. Then, because lists are mutable, we change 'love'
at index 2 to be 'joy'
instead. We also can grow our list by appending a new element to the list.
In the first line, we create a set object with three elements and assign it to the variable my_set
. Because set objects are mutable, we can add 'happy'
to the set and remove 'happiness'
from the set.
On line one, we create a dict object that has two key-value pairs. Then, because dict objects are mutable, we add key-value pair "location": "Nepal"
. Last, we delete that same key-value pair.
Mutable objects work great when you know you will likely need to change the size of the object as you use and interact with it. Changing mutable objects is cheap (because you don't have to copy all existing elements to a new object).
Aliasing with Mutable Objects
Below, I'm going to walk through what happens when you alias a mutable object. In Python, aliasing happens whenever a variable's value is assigned to another variable because variables are just names that store references to values.
Let me illustrate this with a helpful code visualizer tool called Python Tutor (Links to an external site.):
On line 1, we instantiate a new list object with three elements (1
, 2
, and 3
). The name my_list_orig
is the variable that we assign the new list to.
Then, on line 2, we create an alias of my_list_orig
by pointing my_list_alias
to whatever object my_list_orig
is pointing at. Notice in the image above that there is still only one list object. However, there are two variables in the global frame, and they are both pointing to the same object.
On line 3, we append a new element to my_list_orig
. Notice that, because both variables are referencing the same object, even though we appended to my_list_orig
, we also modified my_list_alias
On line 4, we removed the element 1
from my_list_orig
. Notice, just like when we added to the list, my_list_alias
is also affected.
This behavior is something you need to be aware of if you ever use aliasing with mutable objects in your code.
Immutable Objects
An immutable object is an object whose value cannot be changed after it is created. Immutable means not changeable. Anytime you try to update the value of an immutable object, a new object is created instead.
The following types are immutable:
Numbers (int, float, complex)
Immutable objects are useful when you want to make sure that the object you created will always maintain the same value. Immutable objects are more expensive to change (in terms of time and space complexity) because changing the object requires making a copy of the existing object.
Let's look at a few examples:
In the code above, the first line creates a new int object, and the variable my_int
now points at that object. You can see that this object has int
for its type, 4513307280
for its identity (location in memory), and 1
for its value.
Then, we assign 2
to my_int
which creates a whole new object and assigns it to the variable my_int
. This object has int
for its type, 4513307312
for its identity (which you can see is different from the first object), and 2
for its value.
Let's look at how string concatenation works in Python. Remember that str objects are immutable.
So, on line 1, we create a string object with the value 'a'
and assign it to the variable my_str
. We verify that the object is of type str
, we print its identity (140716674193840
) and print its value.
Then, we concatenate 'b'
onto the existing string with the line my_str += 'b'
. Now, because string objects are immutable, we cannot change a string object's value after it has been created. To concatenate, we create a new string object and assign the value 'ab'
to that object.
This behavior in Python is vital to be aware of when working with string concatenation. If you have to add and remove frequently from a string, this will be inefficient if you work with string objects directly.
Tuples are an immutable container of names, where each name has an unchangeable (immutable) binding to an object in memory. You cannot change the bindings of the names to the objects.
Here we created a tuple using (
and )
to denote the tuple literal syntax. Just like a list, tuples can contain elements of any type. Above, we've included a string, a list, and a boolean as our tuple elements. We are proving the tuple object's immutability by showing the error that occurs when trying to assign a new item to a position in the tuple.
One thing that often causes confusion surrounding the immutability of tuples in Python is demonstrated by the following behavior:
Notice that we cannot create a new list object and bind it to the name at position 1 of our tuple. This is demonstrated when my_tuple[1] = [4,5,6]
raises a TypeError
. However, we can assign new objects to the list that is at position 1 of our tuple? Why is that? Well, what do we know about lists in Python? Lists are mutable objects. So, we can modify a list without creating a new object. So, when we are modifying the list directly (instead of assigning a new object), it doesn't affect our tuple's immutability. Notice that the identity (140716674620864
) of the list at my_tuple[1]
doesn't change after replacing its three elements with 4
, 5
, and 6
Passing Objects to Functions
Mutable and immutable objects are not treated the same when they are passed as arguments to functions. When mutable objects are passed into a function, they are passed by reference. So, suppose you change the mutable object that was passed in as an argument. In that case, you are changing the original object as well.
Mutable Objects as Arguments
Notice that when append_num_to_list
is called and my_list
is passed in as an argument. When my_list
is bound to lst
in that stack frame, lst
points to the original my_list
in memory. The function call did not create a copy of my_list
. This behavior is because lists are mutable objects in Python.
Immutable Objects as Arguments
Next, let's see how Python behaves when we pass an immutable object as an argument to a function:
Notice when an immutable object is passed into a function, the object is copied and bound to the parameter name. In the example above, when my_string
is passed into concatenate_string_to_string
, my_string
is copied to a new object bound to the name orig_string
Additional Resources
Objective 03 - Compare the time complexity of different approaches to a problem using Big O notation
What is an algorithm?
An algorithm is a set of instructions for accomplishing a task. Within this broad definition, we could call every piece of code an algorithm.
How do we measure how "good" an algorithm is?
After coming up with a first-pass solution to a problem, we need to measure how "good" our answer is. Will it stand up to the test of millions of users? Is it fast enough that our users will be blown away by how quickly they get their results? Or will torturously slow speeds cause lag that scares them all away?
When given a choice between different algorithms, we want to choose the most efficient algorithm (considering both time and space efficiency depending on our needs).
Note: It is common for your first solution to work with a few items or users and break as you add more. Making sure that the solutions scale is something all developers must look out for.
What is Big O notation?
We need a way to talk about efficiency (number of operations in the worst case) in a more general sense.
Big O notation is the language we use for describing how efficient an algorithm is.
The specific terms of Big O notation describe how fast the runtime grows (relative to the input size), focusing on when the input gets extremely large.
Why do we focus on the growth of runtime versus exact runtime? The actual runtime depends on the specific computer running the algorithm, so we cannot compare efficiencies that way. By focusing on the general growth, we can avoid exact runtime differences between machines and environments.
We also talk about runtime relative to the input size because we need to express our speed in terms of something. So we show the speed of the algorithm in terms of the input size. That way, we can see how the speed reacts as the input size grows.
We don't care about speed when the input size is small. The differences in speed are likely to be minimal when the input size is small. When the input size gets enormous, we can see the differences in efficiency between algorithms.
Common Big O run times
Refer to the table below to see a list of the most common runtimes. The table is ordered from fastest to slowest.
Constant O(1)
The runtime is entirely unaffected by the input size. This is the ideal solution.
Logarithmic O(log n)
As the input size increases, the runtime will grow slightly slower. This is a pretty good solution.
Linear O(n)
As the input size increases, the runtime will grow at the same rate. This is a pretty good solution.
Polynomial O(n^c)
As the input size increases, the runtime will grow at a faster rate. This might work for small inputs but is not a scalable solution.
Exponential O(c^n)
As the input size increases, the runtime will grow at a much faster rate. This solution is inefficient.
Factorial O(n!)
As the input size increases, the runtime will grow astronomically, even with relatively small inputs. This solution is exceptionally inefficient.
Besides the table, it's also essential to look at the curves of these different runtimes.
Again, n
represents the size of the data, and on the chart above, N
represents the number of operations. This visualization should help illustrate why O(1)
or O(log n)
is the most desirable.
Note: Big O only matters for large data sets. An O(n^3)
solution is adequate, as long as you can guarantee that your datasets will always be small.
A few examples
Let's look at a few different examples of Python functions that print something to the output. For each of these, the input will be items
Constant Time O(1)
Why is this constant time? Because no matter how large or small the input is (1,000,000 or 10), the number of computations within the function is the same.
Linear Time O(n)
Why is this classified as linear time? Because the speed of the algorithm increases at the same rate as the input size. If list_of_things
has ten items, then the function will print ten times. If it has 10,000 items, then the function will print 10,000 times.
Quadratic Time O(n^2)
Why is this quadratic time? The clue is the nested for loops. These nested for loops mean that for each item in list_of_things
(the outer loop), we iterate through every item in list_of_things
(the inner loop). For an input size of n
, we have to print n
* n
times or n^2
What are we supposed to do with the constants?
What if we had a function like this?
is constant time because it doesn't change as the input changes. So, that portion of the function is O(1)
The while loop that prints up to the middle index is 1/2 of whatever the input size is; we can say that portion of the function is O(n/2)
The final portion will run 2000 times, no matter the size of the input.
So, putting it all together, we could say that the efficiency is O(1 + n/2 + 2000)
. However, we don't say this. We describe this function as having linear time O(n)
because we drop all of the constants. Why do we cut all of the constants? Because as the input size gets huge, adding 2000 or dividing by 2 has minimal effect on the algorithm's performance.
Most significant term
Let's consider the following function:
We could describe this function as O(n + n^2)
; however, we only need to keep the essential term, n^2
, so this would be O(n^2)
. Why can we do this? Because as the input size (n
) gets larger and larger, the less significant terms have less effect, and only the most significant term is important.
Big O represents the worst-case
Let's consider the following function:
What would the result be if it just so happens that the thing_we_are_trying_to_find
in list_of_things
is the very first item in the list? The function would only have to look at one item in list_of_things
before returning. In this case, it would be O(1)
. But, when we talk about a function's complexity, we usually assume the "worst case." What would the "worst-case" be? It would be if it were the last item in list_of_things
. In that case, we would have to look through all the list_of_things
, and that complexity would be O(n)
Note: When talking about runtime complexity in casual conversation, engineers often blur the distinction between big theta and big O notation. In reality, these are two distinct ways of describing an algorithm. Big theta gives both an upper and a lower bound for the running time. Big O only provides an upper bound. Refer to the following articles for a deeper dive: Big-Theta notation (Links to an external site.) and Big-O notation (Links to an external site.).
Do constants ever matter?
Complexity analysis with Big O notation is a valuable tool. It would be best if you got in the habit of thinking about the efficiency of the algorithms you write and use in your code. However, just because two algorithms have the same Big O notation doesn't mean they are equal.
Imagine you have a script that takes 1 hour to run. By improving the function, you can divide that runtime by six, and now it only takes 10 minutes to run. With Big O notation, O(n)
and O(n/6)
can both be written as O(n)
, but that doesn't mean it isn't worth optimizing the script to save 50 minutes every time the script runs.
That being said, there is a term you should become familiar with: premature optimization (xkcd: Optimization (Links to an external site.)). Sometimes, you can sacrifice readability or spend too much time on something to improve its efficiency. Depending on the situation, it could be that having a finished product to iterate on is more important than maximally efficient code. It is your job as a developer to know when making your code more efficient is necessary. You will always be making calculated tradeoffs between runtime, memory, development time, readability, and maintainability. It takes time to develop the wisdom to strike the right balance depending on the scenario.
Follow Along
Let's look at a few code snippets and classify their runtime complexity using Big O notation.
First, let's think about what the above function is doing. It's printing i
…but i
is not being incremented by 1, as we usually see. It's doubled every time we run the loop. So, for example, if n = 100
, then the final result would be…
Or if n = 10
, then we would print…
We can use the process of elimination to narrow down which runtime classification makes sense for this algorithm. The number of times the loop runs seems to vary based on the value of n
, so this is NOT O(1).
From the above examples, we can also see that the number of times the loop runs is increasing slower than the input size is increasing. n
must be doubled before the loop will run one more time. We can eliminate classifications such as O(n log n)
, O(n^c)
, O(c^n)
, and O(n!)
The only two options left at this point are logarithmic and linear. Since the two growth rates (input, the number of operations) are not the same, this function must run in logarithmic time!
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